2023 Social Media Reshaping Tips for Businesses By Jay Holstine

· Social Media,Jay Holstine

Are you looking to get ahead of your competition when it comes to social media? Do you want your business to stand out and better engage with customers on its platforms in 2023? Social media is an ever-evolving medium, and as such, businesses must be prepared for change. It's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends so that companies can maximize their presence and make a lasting impression. In this blog post, Jay Holstine will be exploring essential tips for reshaping your business' social media plan in order to keep up with the current climate. From setting goals and objectives, understanding customer needs, changing technology algorithms, and finding appropriate content formats – all these will help give you the tools necessary for success next year! Read on to find out more!

Jay Holstine’s Tips To Reshape Your Business’ Social Media Plan In 2023

1. Stay Up to Date: According to Jay Holstine, as technology, trends, and customer preferences evolve, make sure your social media plan is constantly updated accordingly. Keep an eye on the latest industry news or topics in order to keep your content relevant and meaningful for your target audience. In addition, make use of analytics tools that measure the success of your posts and campaigns in order to optimize them further for better results.

Statistics show that 80% of marketers are using analytics data for more targeted campaigns and improved performance when it comes to their social media efforts (Source). A real-life example is how Uber Eats used analytical insights from its audience’s profile data to customize its ads based on individual tastes and preferences - resulting in a highly effective campaign that was tailored to specific users (Source).

2. Maximize Automation: Use automation tools to streamline the process of publishing, scheduling, and analyzing social media content in order to save time and resources. Automated scheduling tools allow you to set up post times ahead of time for when it is most opportune for your target audience. In addition, automated tools can also suggest content for publishing based on historical performance data, which can significantly reduce the amount of work required from you.

Statistics show that 90% of marketers have seen an increase in efficiency due to automated processes (Source). A real-life example is how Hootsuite used its own platform's automation features to manage multiple accounts across different platforms at the same time, which resulted in increased productivity and efficiency (Source).

3. Incorporate Visual Aids: Utilize visuals such as images, videos, GIFs, and infographics to engage your audience and make your posts stand out from the competition. Make sure that visuals are of high quality and align with your brand aesthetic in order to effectively convey the message you intend to communicate.

Statistics show that posts with visual content receive 650% more engagement than those without (Source). A real-life example is how Coca-Cola used visually appealing graphics alongside lifestyle images to promote their products on social media - resulting in an increase in brand awareness and sales (Source).

4. Focus on Engagement: Develop relationships with followers by responding to comments and messages in a timely manner. This will help your brand stand out from competitors as it shows that you are actively engaged with customers and willing to take the time to respond to their needs.

Statistics show that 77% of people feel more positively toward a brand when they receive a response from them (Source). A real-life example is how KFC responded quickly and effectively to customer complaints on social media, which helped maintain a sense of trust between the company and its consumers (Source).

5. Utilize Influencers: Take advantage of influencer marketing as an effective way to promote your products or services. Jay Holstine recommends developing relationships with key influencers within your industry who have influence over your target audience in order to increase brand visibility and reach.

Statistics show that influencer marketing can generate 11 times more ROI than traditional marketing initiatives (Source). A real-life example is how Nike used influencers on social media to promote its products, which resulted in increased sales and brand recognition (Source). Read More